DG LAW - YOUR Trust Specialists

In order to ensure your trust is as robust as possible, we recommend trustees sign a resolution each year and have an independent trustee.

Further, any improvements to trust property and/or changes to trustee circumstances need to be adequately documented.

We also recommend having your trust reviewed at least every five years to ensure it is still appropriate for your particular circumstances and is consistent with any law changes or general practice recommendations.

We provide a trustee and trust administration service for over 1,500 trusts and would be happy to assist with any queries you may have in relation to your trust, trusteeship or role as a beneficiary of a trust.

To understand how a Trust operates and why you should have one, please read our attached brochure.

Please also have a read of our Fineprint newsletter on the abolition of gift duty.

If you need assistance with Trusts, please contact DG Law on 09 574 5316